Between planning Halloween costumes and buying candy for trick-or-treaters, it can be tough to squeeze the creation of super crafty Halloween décor into your schedule, too. Don’t be scared of winding up with the least decorated house on the block – we’ve got you covered!

Here are five no-hassle Halloween decorations you can make in five minutes flat:

1. No-Carve Mummy Pumpkin

Materials: medical gauze, googly eyes, scissors and spray adhesive

This year, skip the knives and transform your pumpkin into an easy-to-make mummy. Wrap gauze (cheesecloth or toilet paper work, too) around your pumpkin, pop some wiggly eyes on it, and that’s it! Tip: To help the gauze stick, give the pumpkin a quick coating with the spray adhesive between each mummy layer.

2. Acorn Pumpkins

Materials: acorns, orange acrylic paint, paint brushes and a fine-tipped permanent marker

This project is great for kids! Send your little ones out into your yard to gather acorns. Once you have a nice collection of acorns, remove all of the tops. Now it’s pumpkin time! First, paint the acorns orange and let them dry completely. Then, use the marker to draw jack-o-lantern faces on the acorns. You’re done! Place them throughout your home for some finishing touches on a Halloween display.

3. Bleeding Candles

Materials: a set of tall, white candlesticks, and one small, red candlestick

Cast a creepy glow over any room with this twist on regular candles. With a little red wax, you can give the illusion that your candlesticks are dripping blood. Place the white candlesticks in holders, and light the red candle. As the red candle wax begins to melt, tip it over the white candles. When the red “blood” will drip down the sides of the white candlesticks. Tip: Prevent a Halloween disaster by doing this over a kitchen sink or outside, and be careful not to burn yourself!

4. Glow-in-the-Dark Ghosts

Materials: white balloons, a permanent marker and a few green glow sticks

Want a last-minute, frightfully fun door decoration? First, crack and shake a few green glow sticks so they’re lit up, and then put them inside of the white balloons. Blow up the balloons and tie them closed. Then, carefully draw ghost faces with your permanent marker. Attach the glowing ghosts to your front door or tie the ends with a string to hang them from your porch railing.  

5. Candy Corn Centerpiece

Materials: one glass jar or vase, flowers or lollipops and a bag of candy corn

Is something missing from your dinner table – say perhaps, a perfect (and effortless) Halloween centerpiece? Dump the candy corn into the jar or vase, then add fall flowers or lollipops to the candy to secure them in place. Tip: You don’t have to use candy corn for this! Ghost-shaped Peeps, black licorice and gumballs all work well.

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