We’re convinced that the vast majority of people – old,  young, and in between – want to own a home. Numerous surveys from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc. support our claim.

But even if these surveys were never taken, human nature would convince us that people prefer to own than to rent. Knowing you can drive a nail into any wall you like offers incalculable psychic benefits: You know that your abode is yours.

We travel down this path because the Washington Post posted an excellent article a few days ago titled "How a Family Is Sending 13 Kids to College, Living Debt Free - and Still Plans to Retire Early."

Except the family featured in the article wasn’t always living debt free. They eschewed debt, but they were willing to carry a mortgage – the only debt they carried – to buy their home. We applaud the family (the parents, really). When you borrow, and when you can borrow at low rates, it’s economically sensible to borrow to buy assets that tend to appreciate in value over time. The value of a house, of sturdy condition and in the right location, will appreciate over time.

The key takeaway, though, is the importance of keeping your finances in order. The family in the Post article – the Fatzingers –  were able to buy a home in one of the country’s most expensive regions. (They live in Bowie, Maryland.)  This is despite the fact the family is a single-income family. In fact, the father’s income didn’t exceed $50,000 until he was 40 years old.  It just recently exceeded $100,000.

To be sure, the Fatzingers are frugal, but not cheap. They are creative in managing their limited resources. The Fatzingers are also inspiring. They tell us that with forethought and intelligent planning, there is always a way to get someone into the home he or she wants, even if the national numbers suggest otherwise. 

Information provided by Jessica Regan.

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