Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 211-220 of 487

Clean Your Deck / Patio

by Don Roth

Why Do This?

Hanging out on your deck or patio is great, but remember that after you go inside, your deck is left alone to brave the elements! After even just a few months, wind, snow and sun can start to take their toll on your deck or patio. Help a deck out by inspecting, cleaning and repairing the surface once or twice a year.


1. Clean any debris off of your deck. This includes leaves, twigs, pollen or other outdoor debris.

2. Inspect. Examine your deck for any damage like rot, loose boards, loose nails or rough spots. Take notes during your inspection so you can revisit the problems.

3. Prepare to replace boards if necessary. If you have rot deeper than ½ inch, you need to replace the board. When you're ready to replace, gently pry off the rotten board with a pry bar. Then, nail or screw in a new board. We recommend heading to your local home improvement store if you have any questions.

4. Replace protruding nails. Precipitation causes boards to warp and nails to pop up. If you have nails or boards sticking up, remove the nail. Reposition your board so it is flush with the rest of the deck and replace the faulty nail with a new, longer nail.

5. Smooth any rough spots. If you have rough spots on your deck or lots of wood splinters that could be dangerous to bare feet, lightly sand those spots with a medium pressure hand sander.

6. Grab a cleaner for your deck. You can find deck cleaners at your local hardware store for about $15 that will effectively kill any mold or mildew. If you have small children or pets, opt for a toxic-free cleaner.

7. Evenly distribute the cleaning solution. Be sure to wear long pants and shoes while you’re cleaning to protect your skin. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the cleaner off of your deck with a hose.


1. Check for weeds. First, look for weeds! Pull weeds from between brick pavers or stone tiles because overgrown weeds can crack the brick or stone.

2. Scrub the patio surface. Clean the patio with a stiff bristled broom, dishwashing soap and water for a gentle clean. For a more intense clean, use a power washer (test first on a small area to make sure you won’t damage the patio). Note: Avoid the use of power washers on brick pavers! The high pressure of the water could crack the paver.

3. Remove stains. Oil-based stains can be removed by using kitty litter. Pour kitty litter on the stains and leave overnight. Then, sweep it away the next day.

4. Choose the right scrub brush. Avoid metal cleaning brushes, which can damage the surface. Stick to scrub brushes made from other materials!

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Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

How to Become a World-Class Decision Maker

by Don Roth

To make good decisions, one must be grounded in reality. Unfortunately, most people aren't grounded in reality.

The problem centers on the past. People anchor to sunk costs, which are past costs. We've seen this with home prices and mortgage rates.

People will automatically assume that past prices and past rates have to reappear in the future. That's not necessarily true. Just because a home sold for $400,000 in 2006 and sells for $350,000 today doesn't mean $400,000 will reappear. The same goes for the 3.5% 30-year fixed-rate loan. It was here once, but that doesn't mean it will be here again. The focus should be on where things are going from here forward.

Making good decisions requires thinking on the margin. For example, if you had a $50 ticket to a football game and lost that ticket, would you still attend the game? Many people wouldn't attend because they view the ticket as now costing $100 instead of $50 – the cost of the lost ticket and the cost of the ticket that would need to be purchased.

But that's the irrational way of looking at it. The rational way is to ask, “Am I willing to spend $50 to attend the game?” The first ticket is a gone, so it shouldn't factor in the decision. For most people, it does.

Similarly, we see people anchor to home prices or mortgage rates that no longer exist. It's always important to let our clients know that the prices that prevailed in the past shouldn't influence today's decision. What matters is what today's data lead us to believe for the future. This sounds like a simple concept, but it's one few people grasp.

 Courtesy of Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Harrisburg PA Mortgage Market Recap – April 24, 2014

by Don Roth

Last week, we referenced the movie Groundhog Day, because things continually feel the same. We're not moving backward, but we're not moving noticeably forward either.

Much of the recent economic data support our contention. The Federal Reserve's “beige book,” a compendium of data and Fed officials' interpretation of the data, points to tepid economic growth. Words like “modest” and “moderate” show up frequently in the text released this past week.

Home builders also continue to feel rather “moderate.” The NAHB/Wells Fargo Home Builder Sentiment Index posted at 47 for April. Fifty is considered breakeven, the point where sentiment tilts either positively or negatively. Right now it's tilting negatively.

At least housing starts picked up in March. Starts rose 2.8% to a 946,000 annual rate, lead by single-family starts, which jumped 6%. Unfortunately, the increase failed to live up to expectations. The consensus estimate was for starts to increase to 970,000 on an annualized rate. The positive takeaway is that single-family starts are gaining momentum.

We expect to see starts ramp up going forward. Weather in the first three months of 2014 had been atypically lousy. Indeed, the Federal Reserve referred to weather no fewer than 103 times in the beige book. With weather a less influential factor, perhaps we'll see a pick up in housing activity.

As for interest rates, they continue to be priced for sluggish economic activity. On the mortgage front, rates were down again this past week.'s survey has the 30-year fixed-rate loan priced at 4.43%; Freddie Mac has it priced at 4.27%, which is a six-week low.

The upside is that lower rates have reignited activity: The Mortgage Bankers Association reports refinances were up 7% for its most recent reported week. Just as important, purchase applications were up 1%. Purchase activity has been up every week for the past month.

Gains in purchase activity have been incremental, to be sure, but it appears a budding trend is taking hold. Ellie Mae's Origination Insight Report states that 40% of mortgage loans closed in March were originated for refinancing, while 60% were for home purchases. In February, the split was 43% for refinances and 57% for purchases.

FICO scores were another telling data point. Ellie Mae's numbers point to easing credit standards, a trend we've seen, and one that goes under-reported and under-appreciated. We've mentioned a few times over the past couple months that the perception of getting a mortgage loan differs from the reality. The perception is that it's difficult; the reality is that's not really so.

With any luck, the trends we see in the credit market will portend a step-up in economic growth. Credit generally becomes easier to come by when the economy is improving. Let's hope that's the case.

 Courtesy of Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Is Everyone Wrong About This Important Variable?

by Don Roth

Nearly every economist, every pundit, every commentator has predicted 5% on the 30-year loan by the end of the year. We have to slot ourselves in with the crowd. Though we still have almost eight months to go, rates continue to languish.

Lower interest rates are certainly more popular than higher interest rates. But low interest rates alone can't drive the housing market. We simply need more economic growth, and not just to grow the market, but to sustain it. RealtyTrac reports that March marked the 42 nd consecutive month of falling foreclosure activity. But fissures are starting to show: RealtyTrac also reports that foreclosure activity was up in 29 states.

We hope that our prediction of 5% on the 30-year loan comes to pass, because a 5% rate will only occur if accompanied by stronger economic growth. We can see no other way that Federal Reserve officials will let it rise.

 Courtesy of Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Harrisburg PA Mortgage Market Recap – April 17, 2014

by Don Roth

Still Not Gaining Traction After All These Years

The employment numbers for March were reported this past Friday, and they were “okay” at best.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that total payrolls rose 192,000 for the month, which was inline with the consensus estimate. The good news is that gains were realized in the private sector, which created 167,000 new jobs compared to 148,000 in February. The pace of job creation wasn't able to move the unemployment rate, though, which remains stuck at 6.7%.

To be sure, payroll growth has improved in recent months, but it needs to improve at a more robust pace. In January 2009, the number of unemployed plus the number of Americans not participating in the labor force was around 96.2 million. Today, that number has risen to over 104 million.

As a standalone number, 192,000 new jobs might seem a lot, but it really isn't when placed in context of the bigger picture. Five years into the post-recession recovery, new jobs should be continually added at a 200,000-or-more rate each month. That hasn't been the case.

Federal Reserve officials are also of the mind that things remain a little soft. The minutes from the latest Fed meeting points to continued loose monetary policy for years to come. This means the Fed is committed to holding rates low, even if it still plans to back off quantitative easing (buying Treasury notes and bonds and mortgage-backed securities).

In short, the economy is at best creeping forward, the taper is still on as scheduled, and easy-money policies will persist longer than many economists had expected. Of course, there is a hedge (there always is), and that is if extraordinary market data appear, the Fed's direction will change. This all feels a bit like the movie Groundhog Day.

At least the Fed is making us appear like a prophet on mortgage rates. At the beginning of the year, we thought the rate on the 30-year fixed-rate loan might bob about between 4.25% and 4.5% for a while.'s latest survey has the 30-year fixed-rate loan pegged at 4.47%; Freddie Mac's survey has it pegged at 4.34%.

At this point, though, we'd have thought the 30-year loan would have ceased bobbing about and started trending higher. That hasn't been the case, as the economy in general and the labor market in particular continue to spin their wheels.

Our primary concern is that if the economy doesn't gain traction soon housing – particularly new home activity – will start loosing traction. Existing home sales at the national level have gone nowhere over the past six months. New-home construction is an even bigger concern, because of its signification contribution to overall economic activity. The last thing we'd want to see is new-home construction backslide.

For the past two years, we've anticipated some kitty litter being thrown down so that the economy could gain traction and drive itself out of this rut. So far, that's yet to occur.

 Courtesy of Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

5 Ways Getting Organized at Home Can Save You Cash

by Don Roth

We could all use some extra cash, am I right? Getting strict with your budget can certainly help you save money, but that’s not the only approach! A few tweaks to your lifestyle and a little organization can help pad your bank account.

Here are five organization ideas that can save you money:

Create a Mail System

If you have a stack of bills…somewhere in your house… chances are you’ll eventually miss a payment. Or worse, lose a bill. To avoid mail chaos and bill pay panic, create a mail system. That way, you’ll always be aware of what is owed when and avoid late fees. To make things even easier, skip the paper entirely and sign up for automatic withdrawal to pay bills. 

Potential savings: $34 per bill paid on time (an average credit card bill late fee)

Get to Know Your Clothes

When it come to clothes, we typically stick to certain “looks,” but that doesn’t mean you need to own five black sweaters! Take the time to organize your closet and remind yourself what you already own. That way, the next time you’re partaking in a little retail therapy, you’ll avoid buying a repeat item by accident.

Potential savings: $70 per sweater not purchased

Store Your Coupons Digitally

Paper coupons are great in theory, but actually keeping up with them can be a hassle. Instead of a box or binder, try the free app SnipSnap. To use the app, take a picture of it with your phone when you get a paper coupon. The coupon is then stored and organized by store. So, for example, when you walk into Kroger, all of your Kroger coupons will be saved for you.

Potential savings: $10 per week at the grocery store

Plan Meals in Advance

Over the weekend (or whenever you have a consistent 30 minute gap of free time) plan a menu for the week. Then, buy all of the groceries you’ll need at once. That way, you won’t be stressed to find something to eat last minute, which often leads to a restaurant, or takeout. And neither of those help your wallet!

Tip: Give your fridge a onceover before you head to the grocery store. Not only will you save some cash by not doubling up on items, you may save some veggies that are on the verge of expiration.

Potential savings: $8 per person, per meal (the average difference between eating out and cooking at home)

Be Proactive About Gifts

Let’s say you want to buy your sister a shirt from J. Crew for her birthday. Which is tomorrow. You’re pretty much doomed to a mall trip where you’ll pay whatever price they’re offering.

But, if you plan ahead, you can snag that shirt when J. Crew is having one of its many sales! Tip: This works especially well for the holidays because you’ll also avoid the stress of shopping for so many people at once.

Potential savings: $21, if you snag a $70 J. Crew sweater on a 30% off sale!

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Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

A More Accommodating Market Than We Think

by Don Roth

One of the more prevalent complaints since the housing-market bubble burst in 2009 is how difficult it has become to get a mortgage loan. Compared to the early-to-mid-2000s, you could say that's true.

The reality is – from a historical perspective – that the mortgage markets is more accommodating than many people think. This point was driven home in a recent Wall Street Journal article, which basically stated that getting a loan really isn't so tough.

This is a point worth driving home to our clients. To be sure, the additional paperwork and verification required today compared to the recent past isn't something anyone particularly enjoys, but it's not unreasonable either.

Last week, we explicated the upside of a housing market lead by mortgage-financed purchases. The good news is that the reality of obtaining a mortgage is easier than the wide-spread perception, which is why it's important to change the wide-spread perception.

We're likely preaching to the choir on these points, but sometimes its worthwhile to do a little preaching to drive home an obvious point that isn't obvious to everyone.

 Courtesy of Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Harrisburg PA Mortgage Market Recap – April 7, 2014

by Don Roth

A Federal Reserve World, And We're All Living in It

When the conversation turns to monetary policy and the Federal Reserve, the natural reaction is for eyes to glaze over. This is understandable. In the past, monetary policy and the Fed were supporting players who impinged little on the day-to-day activity in the housing and mortgage markets.

That's hardly the case today. Over the past few years, since the 2009 recession, the Fed has morphed into a leading player. Therefore, we have no choice but to follow the Fed. “You might not be interested in war, but war is interested in you,” is a quote attributed to Russian revolutionary Leon Trosky. We can modify Trosky's quote to say, “We might not be interested in the Federal Reserve, but the Federal Reserve is interested in us.”

For this reason, we need to be interested in the Fed, which is why we spend considerable space on Fed commentary. Its policies directly influence home prices and mortgage rates.

Now, it appears the Fed is backing off raising interest rates sooner than later. A couple weeks ago, we mentioned that new Fed Chair Janet Yellen had overtly hinted that interest rates would begin rising sometime in 2015. We speculated by mid-July. We were even more confident that 5% on the 30-year fixed rate loan was likely by end of this year.

Indeed, mortgage rates rose – in fits and spurts – through most of March. The latest survey from shows the national average on the 30-year loan at 4.54%. Freddie Mac's survey has the 30-year loan at 4.41%. Both are the highest they've been since late January.

That said, we're rethinking our position. This past week, the Fed had what you could call a “wait-a-minute” moment. Fed Chair Yellen hedged her previous commentary, adding we will need stimulus for “some time.” This suggests that the economy has yet to gain sufficient traction, and appears unlikely to do so in the near future. In other words, 5% on the 30-year loan isn't quite the done deal that it seemed a couple weeks back.

Since the recession ended, economic growth and job growth have remained stubbornly sluggish. A recent commentary from the Cleveland Branch of the Federal Reserve offers some insight into why this is: insufficient investment.

Many economists focus on consumption as the main driver of the economy. Unfortunately, they under-weigh the importance of production. The fact is that we all have to produce in order to consume. We work first (produce), get paid, and then consume (credit not withstanding). Production is predicated on investment: We need tools (or capital) to produce.

With the Fed pushing back raising interest rates, lower mortgage rates could prevail longer than we initially expected at the beginning of the year. Of course, the one caveat is that if job growth, investment, and consumption unexpectedly pick up, the Fed could signal a new direction, which would again alter interest-rate expectations.

 Courtesy of Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

by Don Roth

We are pumped for spring cleaning! What better time to clear out all of that winter dust and bring the fresh feel of spring into your home? If you’re geared up and ready to go, here are ten “must-clean” areas of your home. Let this checklist be your guide as you spruce things up!.

Ready to rock your cleaning socks off? Tackle these ten things!


Brighten up rooms and keep dust to a minimum by cleaning your overhead fixtures. Just make sure all of your fixtures are turned off before you climb up there and start cleaning!


Depending on the material, you may be able to just vacuum these guys, but check the label to be sure. For really stinky drapes, it’s best to hand wash them in cold water.


Scoot that sofa to the side and you’ll probably uncover a secret world of dust and dirt. As you clean, keep an eye out for loose change between those cushions, too!


Changing your air filters regularly will prolong the life of your furnace and keep the air you breathe free from dust and allergens. Plus, it only takes about five minutes!


Mold is most common in dark, moist areas such as your bathrooms, basement and attic. To kill mold and soap scum, mix a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide!


Flipping your mattresses will prolong their life by distributing the wear. Flip your mattresses over so the top becomes the bottom, and turn them so the foot becomes the head.


Banish bacteria and prevent food poisoning by clearing out your fridge. Toss anything that’s rotten, expired or questionable. Tip: Keep things fresh with a box of baking soda!


Break out the broom and vacuum! Before you begin, squeeze a fresh lemon or lime into your vacuum bag. This will freshen both the bag and the carpet.


You probably clean the ‘ole porcelain throne regularly, but there’s no substitution for a deep scrub. Tip: Lemon juice and denture cleaning tablets are both effective toilet cleaners!


Lint builds up in your dryer duct throughout the year, and can create a serious fire hazard if it’s not cleared. Make sure you clean both the duct and the exterior vent!

Want some spring cleaning extra credit? Take care of these areas, too!

Doorknobs. All that hand-traffic opens the door to tons of germs!

Washing machine. Your washing machine cleans your clothes, but who cleans your washing machine?

Garage. It’s normal for a garage to turn into a glorified storage closet, but with a clean garage you can utilize the space to its fullest potential.

Refrigerator coils. Letting your refrigerator’s coils get dirty is kind of like pinching someone’s nose shut and telling them to do jumping jacks – not nice!

Toys. Batman and Barbie deserve a little spa treatment, too! Depending on the type, you may be able to wash your kid’s toys in the dishwasher!

Clothes Iron. Over time, the soleplate of your iron gets covered in a yellowish film that can be transferred onto your clothes!

Coffee maker. Remove old coffee grounds, oils and hard water deposits that are ruining the taste of your coffee!

Plant leaves. Dust off the leaves of your houseplants so that they can soak up the sunlight and make your home a healthier place.

Shower curtain. Put a stop to mold, mildew and that nasty layer of soap scum that’s cramping your shower curtain’s style!

Remote control. All that couch surfing can lead to a gunky remote control. Take yours apart and clean all of the individual parts, including the plastic buttons.

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Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Last week, we reported that the national averages on mortgage rates would likely move higher after the Federal Reserve's pronouncements on quantitative easing and interest rates. That's exactly what happened: Rates across the board were up on most mortgage products in most markets, according to the latest surveys from and Freddie Mac .

Rates, though, have actually eased somewhat over the past day or two. Recent action suggests that rates could remain sedate into the immediate future. This lack of volatility would be welcomed, because more borrowers would lose interest in interest-rate speculation.

In turn, we would like to see more borrowers take advantage of today's placid mortgage-rate environment. Cash has been king in recent years, but we don't view that as a positive.

In our opinion, mortgage financing leads to a more stable housing market. We say that because mortgage financing has historically been tied (leaving the early 2000s aside) to consumer fundamentals: income, debt-to-equity ratios, credit ratings, and realistic appraisals all help to perpetuate a fundamentally sound market.

What's more, when a high majority of homes are purchased with sound mortgage loans, it's virtually impossible for home prices to wildly detach from end-user fundamentals. In other words, home prices don't rocket toward the stratosphere, nor do they plummet into the abyss. Prices tend to move predictably, which, in turn, encourages more buyer and seller participation.

We are obviously somewhat biased in our affinity for mortgage lending, but our argument has merit, and it's one few market commentators have considered. Perhaps they should.

 Courtesy of Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Displaying blog entries 211-220 of 487


