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Don Roth


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Harrisburg PA Mortgage Market Recap - Dec 19 2014

by Don Roth

The Strong Get Stronger

The jobs keep coming. Better yet, they keep coming at a faster pace.

Job growth was much stronger than nearly everyone expected in November. Payrolls for the month jumped 321,000 . At the same time, job numbers for October and September were revised up by 44,000. More of us are not only working, but we are earning more doing so. Average hourly earnings spiked 0.4% in November after edging up 0.1% in October.

At the beginning of the year, we said 200,000-or-more monthly job growth was key to a sustained recover. Job growth for the year has exceeded our expectations. All but one month reported over 200,000 in new jobs, while two months posted over 300,000 new jobs.

Job growth and economic growth go hand-in-hand. On the latter, many economists have ratcheted up their gross domestic product (GDP) growth expectations.

The U.S. Commerce Department believes final GDP growth will post at 4.6% at an annual rate for the third quarter, up from 3.6%. The economists at JPMorgan Chase see GDP growth posting at 4.4%, up from 4.3%. Barclays upped its final estimate to 4.2% from 4.1%. Annualized GDP growth above 4% is considered strong.

The growth we're seeing in the waning months of 2014 certainly gives us reason to anticipate 2015. Indeed, we expect 2015 to be a breakout year for housing. In addition to continued economic growth, home prices will continue to rise, though at a rate that will likely revert to historical norms. This is good news because it means market expectations will be better calibrated with market reality.

When it comes to lending reality, we're seeing a sustained pick up in purchase-mortgage activity. Last week, the Mortgage Bankers Association's weekly survey showed purchase applications were up again. Over the past two months, purchase applications have trended generally higher.

We expect purchase activity to continue to trend positively. With growth comes more willingness to lend. Lenders and regulations naturally become more willing to reach further out on the risk curve, thus creating a larger pool of potential buyers. (To wit: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac recently introduced new programs that allow borrowers to put only 3% down for a mortgage.)

This market is extraordinary in that we have strong economic growth coupled with low interest rates. Despite last week's strong jobs report, mortgage rates have actually drifted lower. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is still regularly quoted below 4%.

With that said, we shouldn't expect mortgage rates to remain at these levels if growth continues to steam ahead at the current rate. One day the Federal Reserve will move to lift interest rates. Growth sustained at the current rate means that day will come sooner than later.

Information provided by Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Keep Your Christmas Tree Alive From Day One

by Don Roth

If your idea of decking the halls includes a live evergreen heavy with lights and tinsel, you’re not alone. In fact, over 29 million households are getting a real tree this year to adorn their living rooms and twinkle through their front windows. Keep your perfect tannenbaum alive (with its needles intact) by following these easy steps:

Inspect the Needles
When you’re at the nursery picking out your tree, inspect the needles – they should feel flexible, not dry and brittle.

Trim Your Tree
Before you put your tree in its stand, cut off the bottom inch of the trunk to provide a fresh surface for water uptake.

Water the Tree
As soon as possible, get the tree in water. The base of the tree should never dry out, so make sure your water bowl doesn't become empty! A basic rule of thumb is that a typical tree will absorb a quart of water each day for every inch of trunk diameter.

Give 'Em Something Sweet
This is up for debate, but some people swear by adding sugar, aspirin or corn syrup to their tree’s water. While there is no scientific data backing these substances, we say don’t knock it ‘til you try it. If sugar has worked for you in the past, keep on adding the sweet stuff!

Block the Sun
Keep your tree away from direct sunlight, heaters and fans because these things will speed up the drying-out process.

Keep It Humid
If you have a humidifier in your house, put it in the tree-room. It will help keep the needles fresher long, as well as reduce the risk of fire.

If all of this seems like too much work, opt for a potted tree instead. You can find them at your local nursery. Bonus: Instead of slowly dying in your living room, potted trees can be donated to the parks department or replanted in your yard come January!

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When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Winter Home Energy Audit

by Don Roth


Taking steps to conserve energy can cut your electricity bill by as much as $600 a year. Don't believe it? Up to 30 percent of a home's energy usage can be lost by drafts alone! Do a home energy audit to pinpoint the best ways to reduce your utility bills this winter.

How To:

1. Stop drafts. Fix the drafts under your doors and windows. For a quick fix, place a rolled bath towel under drafty doors and on windowsills. You can also purchase a door draft stopper for around $5.

2. Reverse your fans. Many ceiling units come with a switch to reverse the directions of the blades. Switching your blades to clockwise will help circulate warm air pooled near the ceiling back into the living space. This small change can cut your heating cost as much as 10 percent.

3. Turn down your water heater. Set your hot water heater to 120 degrees F. Water heaters are usually unnecessarily set to 140 degrees F by installers. Lowering the temperature would reduce your water heating costs by anywhere from 6 to 10 percent.

4. Lower the heat when you leave. Don’t forget to turn down your heat when you're not home! For every degree you lower the thermostat during heating season, you'll save between 1 and 3 percent on your utility bills. If you’re the forgetful type, consider investing in a programmable thermostat! They are widely available for as little as $50. Note: If you have a heat pump system, it's best to leave your thermostat at a set temperature. Moving the thermostat temperature up one degree can actually cause the system to waste more energy.

5. Install window plastic. You can find window plastic at your local hardware store and if it’s properly installed, it’s essentially invisible. The plastic will help to add a buffer against drafts and improve your home’s ability to hold heat.

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When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700complete my online form, or e-mail me at



The Best of Both Worlds

by Don Roth

The economy continues to hum along. What's more, it continues to hum along at a higher pitch than most economists had expected. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the value of all goods and services – was revised up to an annual growth rate of 3.9% in the third quarter. The consensus estimate called for GDP to be revised to show 3.2% growth.

Within the GDP data, the trends in private investment were particularly encouraging. Both nonresidential fixed investment and residential fixed investment ratcheted higher. This is good news because more investment today leads to more consumer spending tomorrow.

We're not particularly surprised that economic growth is picking up. After all, the economy has been producing new jobs at the rate of 200,000+ per month for most of 2014.

On the other hand, interest rates are a surprise. When economic growth ratchets higher, so, too, do interest rates. This time around is different, though. Interest rates continue to remain subdued. The 10-year U.S. Treasury note continues to hover around 2.3%. This is the low-end of the range that has prevailed through 2014. At the same time, mortgage rates remain low. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage continues to vibrate around 4%.

We have rising GDP growth coupled with low interest rates. What's more, growth should continue to rise, while rates should remain low. We say that because consumer-price inflation remains very subdued.

So, we have the best of both worlds – strong growth and low lending rates. This unique paradigm suggests housing should get off to a strong start in 2015.

Information provided by Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Harrisburg PA Mortgage Market Recap - Dec 5 2014

by Don Roth

The Big View

The holidays are a nice respite. Things slow down a bit, which allows us to stand back and take in the big picture.

We like what we see, because the big picture includes steady improvement in housing. As we reported last week, housing sales are trending higher. In addition, more sales are being financed with a mortgage. That we are seeing more purchase applications is a sign of more owner-occupied buyers. These buyers have always been the key drivers of the housing market.

Recent trends in home prices point to more buyer interest and more inventory from which to choice.

On the pricing front, S&P/Case-Shiller's closely followed 20-city price index rose 0.3% month over month for September. Year over year, the index is up 4.9%. This is the slowest pace of year-over-year price growth since October 2012. This is actually good news because we are seeing the pace of price appreciation return to historical norms, and historical norms are sustainable norms.

That said, price appreciation is still found in most local markets. Of the 20 markets in Case-Shiller's index, 18 showed price gains for the month.

We expect home prices to continue to appreciate in most markets Case-Shiller follows. We say that because we remain confident in the economic outlook. Fortunately, many consumers apparently share our perspective.

Consumer confidence , overall, remains encouraging. Though down slightly in November, confidence has been on the rise through most of 2014. Better yet, consumers remain upbeat on the outlook for job creation. The latest data from the Conference Board show more people view the job market favorably. This, in turn, points to another favorable employment report next week. (Look for another month of 200,000-or-more new jobs for November.)

The positive data on jobs, housing, and mortgage lending over the past six months gives us even more reason to be thankful this time of year. The good news is that we don't expect this sense of gratitude to abate any time soon.

Information provided by Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

How To Prep for Company in 5-Minutes Flat

by Don Roth

When you get a call from [enter judgmental relative here] saying they’ll be at your place in five minutes, what do you do?

tea setIn a perfect world, your home is clean and clutter-free, and you have just enough time to set out a snack for your guest. In the real world, though, you need those five minutes to scramble and hide all evidence of real life (aka mess).

If you need to get your place in tip-top shape in record time, we’ve got you covered. Here are five easy tricks to prep for company fast:

1. Stash Dirty Dishes in the Oven

Hey, no judgement here. If the dishwasher’s full, load those dirty dishes into the oven and close the door. Tip: You may not want to offer freshly baked cookies to your guests!

2. Hide Your Laundry in the Shower

If your towels have made their way into a pile on your floor, they’re not going to look any better hung up. If your guests aren’t staying overnight (and won’t need a shower), throw the towels into the shower and close the curtain. Out of sight, out of mind.

3. Put Your Mail in the Junk Drawer

Old coupons and magazines seem to make inconspicuous piles all over the house. If it’s junk, trash it. If you want to hold onto something, like that magazine you haven’t had time to read, combine everything and conceal it in the junk drawer.

4. Switch Out the Couch Blankets and Pillows

If you have some four-pawed loved ones around the house, they tend to leave a trail of fur on your couch.

To give your couch a quick de-fur treatment, try this trick: Keep a spare set of blankets and pillows in the linen closet. If you have some unexpected company, you can switch out the dirty pillows for fresh, fur-free pillows in two seconds flat.

If you’re feeling ambitious, you can throw the blankets and throws right into the laundry room.

5. Close Your Closet Doors

When was the last time a guest asked to peek into your closet? Probably never. Knowing it’s a secret space, shove your laundry, shoes and coats into your closet (and hope they don't mistake it for a door to the bathroom).

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When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Harrisburg Home Sales in October Best Since 2009

by Don Roth

Central Penn Business Journal has reported Harrisburg homes sales in October were the highest since 2009. Take a look:

harrisburg homeThe Harrisburg region posted its best October in five years with 761 home sales last month, according to the Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors.

That was up 12.2 percent from last year. The median sale price was $156,500, which was down 2.1 percent from October 2013.

Cumberland County led the way with 303 homes sold, a 25.2 percent increase from last year. It’s the first time this decade that the county cracked 300 home sales in October, according to the association.

The median-sale price in Cumberland County was $175,000 in October, a 4.2 percent decrease from last year.

Dauphin County home sales dipped 5 percent to 229 for the month. The median sale price fell by 7.4 percent to $138,000, according to the association.

The Harrisburg area saw an increase across all price points in October. There were 39 homes sold at $400,000 or more, an increase of 21.9 percent from last year, while the $199,999-and-under range posted a 13.8 percent increase with 529 homes sold.

The latter was the most since October 2009, according to the association.

Information courtesy of Harrisburg Realtor Don Roth.


Tripping Over Chargers? Tame Your Tech Clutter

by Don Roth

Technology is good. But the cords that come with our gadgets? Not so great. With every new “life-changing” generation of gadget comes a new charger, and behind every entertainment center is a jungle of cords. With innovation, we’ve created a monster. A Cord Clutter Monster.

power cordsTo tame the beast, first do a technology audit to get rid of all of any duplicate chargers. Then try one or more of these cord-organizing tricks:

1. Keep Chargers Organized with Toilet Paper Rolls

To keep chargers from getting out of control, you’ll need one empty toilet paper roll per charger. When the chargers aren’t being used, store them in their own toilet paper tube. To keep the tubes organized, put them all in one box. And bam! Your chargers will be organized.

2. Make an Easy DIY Charging Station from a Shoebox

Put an old shoebox to use as a cord charging station! The inside of the box will hold the power source and your gadgets’ cords will be threaded through the front. All you need is a pair of scissors.

Place your power strip in the box, and then cut a hole in the back that will fit your power strip’s cord. For the gadgets’ cords, cut a few holes in the front to thread the chargers through. To see a few examples of this charging station, visit DIY for Life.

3. Corral Your Cords with Binder Clips

We love this Lifehacker cord organization trick. To corral your cords, all you need are a few chip binder clips. Clip them in a row to the end of your desk or nightstand and thread the ends of your chargers through the clips. The charging end will sit atop the binder clip. This way you can always find the cord you’re looking for. 

4. Don’t Want to DIY? Buy a Solution

If you’re not going to have time for a DIY session before the clutter monster eats your happiness, we really like this power strip. It even has a USB plug-in option.

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Will Interest Rates Ever Rise?

by Don Roth

We suspect one day they will, but we doubt that day is imminent.

We've done an about-face on interest rates compared to our outlook at the beginning of the year. Back in January, we thought the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage would be approaching 5% by now. That hasn't been the case. Today, it appears 5% lies somewhere on the distant horizon.

We say that because the Federal Reserve has affirmed that it has no intention of raising the federal funds rate (the important rate banks lend short-term to each other). What's more, the Fed continues to plow money from maturing Treasury and mortgage-backed securities into new issues. Though quantitative easing (QE) officially ended last month, the Fed continues to support the mortgage market. We are still looking at a very accommodating low-rate monetary environment.

At the same time, consumer-price inflation remains muted. This means the Fed has the leeway to hold interest rates low. (The Fed had offered a 6.5% unemployment rate and 2% annual inflation as guideposts before raising rates. The Fed has certainly disregarded the former, with the unemployment rate now below 6%.)

Maybe interest rates will rise when GDP growth hits 6% annually and the unemployment rate hits 4%, as it did 15 year ago. If that drives the rate on the 30-year loan up to 6%, so be it. We'll take that trade-off any day.

Information provided by Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

Harrisburg PA Mortgage Market Recap - Nov 13 2014

by Don Roth

Post-Election Fallout: What Does It Mean?

A good way to alienate just about everybody is to talk politics. Sometimes, though, you have to. Politics matters. That said, our intention isn't to pass judgment; it's merely to vet the past and gauge the future.

As for the past, the last time we experienced an election outcome similar to Tuesday's occurred in 1994. Democrat Bill Clinton was president when the Republicans took control of the House and Senate. From a business perspective, 1994 lead to prosperous times.

From 1994 though the end of the Clinton presidency in January 2001, the economy moved steadily ahead. What's more, it moved ahead at a brisk pace. Five and six percent annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth was the norm. Over those years, the unemployment rate steadily declined to a low of 4% from over 6%. The stock market, as measured by the S&P 500 , nearly tripled.

Over the same period, new home sales climbed to over 800,000 units annually from 600,000 units. Existing home sales increased to nearly 5.2 million units annually from just over 3.8 million units.

As for mortgage rates, they were nearly double what they are today. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 7.9% in 1995 and 8.05% in 2000. Despite what seemed to be high lending rates, the MBA's purchase mortgage index doubled over that time. (This is why we frequently downplay the importance of low lending rates when juxtaposed to growth.)

Of course 2014 isn't 1994. The past never repeats in detail. 1994 also ushered in the beginning of a technology and productivity revolution driven by the Internet. Those variables won't be repeated. This isn't to say that the political climate at the time didn't encourage growth. It appeared to do just that.

One thing is for certain: the purse strings were much looser 20 years ago than they are today. The loan-to-deposit ratio – a measure of banks' willingness to lend soared to 1.05 from 0.85 during the Clinton presidency. Strong economic growth encouraged more rational risk-accepting behavior, which materialized in continually rising loan volume.

Rational risk-accepting behavior is less prevalent today.

A couple weeks ago, we mentioned how former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke was unable to refinance his home. Bernanke had recently stepped down as Fed chair. Technically, he was unemployed, even though he was earning more money speaking and writing than he was as Fed chair.

The Bernanke story is a one-off anecdote, but we know that lenders (and regulators) are still too risk averse. Risk averse behavior is reflected in today's low loan-to-deposit ratio. Let's hope that changes post election.

To be sure, partisanship and acrimony will always exist in politics. But if past proves to be prologue, the partisanship and acrimony will be tolerable if Democrats and Republicans can set the table for a repeat of the 1994-2000 economic era.

Information provided by Jessica Regan.

Search all Harrisburg PA homes for sale.

When you are buying or selling property in today's Harrisburg PA real estate market, it's important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Don’s commitment as your Harrisburg PA REALTOR® is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve.

When you are an informed buyer or seller, you'll make the best decisions for the most important purchase or sale in your lifetime. That's why Don’s goal is to keep you informed on trends in Harrisburg PA real estate. With property values continuing to rise, real estate is a sound investment for now and for the future.

As a local area expert with knowledge of Harrisburg PA area communities, Don’s objective is to work diligently to assist you in meeting your real estate goals.

If you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area, please don't hesitate to call me at (717) 657-8700, complete my online form, or e-mail me at

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